Welcome to Sunrise Academy! We understand that the admission process can be a crucial step for your child's education journey. To help you navigate this process smoothly, we have provided the following important admission documents:
Enrollment Process: This document outlines the step-by-step procedure for enrolling your child at Sunrise Academy, ensuring that you have all the information needed to get started.
Enrollment Process - Download the PDF
Tuition Release Policy: Learn about our tuition release policy, including any financial arrangements and commitments.
Tuition Release Policy - Download the PDF
Admission Policy: Familiarize yourself with our school's admission policies, criteria, and requirements to ensure your child's eligibility and a successful application.
Admission Policy - Download the PDF
Fees & Penalties: Understand the fee structure and any associated penalties, so you can plan your financial obligations effectively.
Fees & Penalties - Download the PDF
Fee Structure: Access detailed information about our fee structure, providing clarity on tuition fees, payment schedules, and any additional costs.