AQIS Teacher

Mrs. Hanane Sariaa

My name is Mrs. Hanane, and Alhamdulillah, this is my 16th year teaching at Sunrise Academy. I received my Bachelor's of Art in Islamic Studies from Sidi Mohammed Ibnu Abdullah University in Fes, Morocco. My teaching experience began in Queens, New York as an Arabic, Quran, and Islamic Studies teacher for 8 years before moving to Hilliard, Ohio. I was welcomed into the Sunrise Academy family in August 2008. During my years of teaching, I have received an Ijaza (certification) in Nouraniya and Quran. I currently teach 6th - 10th grade Quran. I am excited to continue the year with my students as we learn and grow about the words of Allah swt. May Allah swt make us all from the people of the Quran and may He accept from us all. Ameen.