Sunrise Academy Summer Camp 2025
Asalam Alaikum Sunrise Academy Families,
Welcome to Summer Camp 2025!
Sunrise Academy Summer Camp (SASC) is BACK and we are so excited to welcome you to our fun-filled sessions this summer! Our SASC staff are excited and already planning fun educational activities for all of our campers. With that being said, we want you to feel comfortable and prepared ahead of time. Below, you will find information that will help you prepare yourself and your child for SASC.
Session Dates:
Session 1 – Monday, June 9th – Thursday, July 3rd
Session 2 – Monday, July 7th – Friday, August 1st
Time for Both Sessions: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Latchkey provided (extra charge): 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Session 1 (Four Weeks): June 9th – July 3rd
- Full Time (Mon-Fri): $400
- Part-Time (MWF): $320
- Part-Time (TTh): $250
- Latchkey (Mon – Fri): $250
Session 2 (Four Weeks): July 7th – August 1st
- Full Time (Mon-Fri): $400
- Part-Time (MWF): $320
- Part-Time (TTh): $250
- Latchkey (Mon – Fri): $250
Latch Key Timings: 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
What should I pack?
- We request all campers eat breakfast at home, or if coming in early for latchkey, pack a breakfast. Camp will not provide breakfast. Avoid any nut products due to allergies.
- We request all campers to pack a healthy lunch. Lunch will not be provided by the camp.
- Avoid any nut products due to allergies
- We do not offer refrigeration or microwaving
- Water bottle
- Change of clothes (especially on days that may involve water activities)
- Sunscreen
- Girls should bring a hijab for salah if they do not wear one consistently.
Drop Off:
- Drop off in the main gym
- Let SASC staff know of any allergies or medications your child may need
- All medications should be placed in a plastic bag with your child’s name on it and given to SASC staff at arrival.
- Attendance will be taken around 10am
Pick Up:
- Come inside to pick up your child
- Let a SASC staff member know that you are picking up your child. Please do not take your child and leave without letting a staff member know.
- If anyone other than the child’s parents are picking them up, be sure to let the SASC staff members know in advance.
We can’t wait to start SASC with you and your child(ren)! Insha’Allah we will have a delightful and educational summer together.
Sunrise Academy